Another beautiful holiday season is upon us and in full swing. It is crazy to me how quickly this time of year ascends upon our lives..... and then before you know it, it's over with. Almost like a hit and run. Probably not the ideal way to refer to this beloved time of year, but it works.
I have found myself, once again, in the lack of holiday spirit. I love life, love, love, love reasons to be surprised entertained....whatever, BUT for some reason I don't get too excited about Christmas. I adore it for the sake of the kids but since high school, it isn't so fabulous for me. Perhaps, if it was a feeling that lasted longer.... rather than the stress of getting everything done before it was over and then *BAM*.... I know.... there is a reason for the season... Which is not Santa and presents.... But realistically kids get excited for the materialistic aspects of this day..... and it doesn't matter how they are raised or taught, it is just a side effect of our society.

Anyway..... I have been trying to become the happy little elf, full of Christmas Cheer and good tidings... Then I hear that Idaho has been blanketed with a beautiful wonderland of white.... Fabulous for them, BUT why in the world didn't it do that when I lived there? I want snow.... I want to jump up and down...throw a fit.... and demand it!!! Childish? right as a girl to want it and want it now. I understand that when i lived there I complained about the cold.... Not the cold in general, but the cold minus the snow. For heavens sake if it is going to be cold surround me in the freezing beauty of ice.... Blanket me in snow.... Make it worth while.... That is what I disliked. So it makes me sigh to hear when the ones I love complain about the beauty that was given them... I want to trade places. I want to be snowed in. I want to drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and wear big fuzzy socks. I want to freeze my butt off..... I want to go caroling in sub zero temps, I want to rush from the car to the store and hope my nose doesn't fall off..... Is this asking for much?
Dear Santa..... Bring me snow and cold to Texas.... i promise I will be better next year! ;)
Off to listen to horrible renditions of fabulous Christmas songs.... And decorate! Good Luck finding your own holiday cheer!