What an odd word "Blog". Then even odder are the terms that go along with it...."Blogging"....."Blogger"........"To Blog or not to Blog" After reading my posts you may choose the later..."not to Blog."
I remember thinking how absurd the idea of posting random thoughts for others to read truly was. As though someone would enjoy reading my ramblings about mundane subjects, that may indeed be an important part of my life, and yet seem so silly or trivial to others. Then again I also remember the day that I had no idea what a blog was, or that it was actually something I could attempt. I had read a blog written by this literary agent, I was fascinated I admit. Fascinated with the fact that people checked her blog eachday in hopes of a new post. I mentioned this to a friend, who laughed for quite a while about the word BLOG. SO I had to explain it to her. Not that I knew anything about it, because I didn't, but I attempted to explain the idea. So she then wanted to check it out herself. She also found herself intrigued with the idea that people would check someones blog eachday for some new insight on life......or was it to see if someone posted something that made their lives seem a little less strange, boring, OR, lets face it, weird.
I have kids who will make fun of this....the fact that I have started a blog. To them I am technologically retarded. It's true. Texting, email, heck the dish television, none of it comes naturally to me, not the way it does to them they were born with the knowledge. I often find myself yelling in frustration at objects that can't fix themselves. Objects that after I have touched them a technician can't even fix. But I suppose a blog is worth the attempt, even if my kids read it and then make me delete it out of sheer embarassment.
It's funny......and could come as a big shocker to everyone. My kids are happy with my writing. I do write. Young adult novels. Are they a big hit yet? No....but I have an agent. Sounds cool to my kids. Sounds cool to me when I think about it. So I suppose I am not a complete let down to my 4 beautiful inspirations. (They haven't read this yet, either.)
Now reading my posts keep in mind.....I have an editor and for good reason. I can't spell, puncuate, or keep my tenses in check. For that matter I can't keep my thoughts in check, But who can. I grew up in a small town with great teachers who couldn't teach me a thing except to be creative. I kept my promise as far as that goes.....I am creative. At least in my own mind.