So I suppose that a better day could have been chosen for this outing........but.........Bear World has been open for 10 years now and we haven't gone! Not to mention the fact that it is only a 15 minute drive from our house. Sad but true! And I know we saw more wild animals here then we ever have driviing through Yellowstone Park! Don't get me wrong, the buffalo, moose, and elk in Yellowstone are awesome, but it is so amazing seeing a bear so close! Too bad we weren't one of the cars that the bear tried to get into............not that I want my black suburban scarred...........heaven knows it's "Christine" complex is unique on it's own......but wouldn't that have been a memory! So the only thing that would have made the day nicer would have been if we had the 80 degree weather we had had earlier in the week! But it sure beat the football game from the previous day that we went home soaking wet from! So who's complaining?
Cliche'? Seriously isn't this what you see in the old movies and what not? My little bear cubs! Of course I have been told I behave like a mama bear when it comes to my babies!
It was serious fun though watching the kids play on the rides.....and feed the animals. It was neat to me watching the deer eat out of their hands! CUTE! I loved watching the baby bears play with each other too! It was seriously oldest princess wouldn't go into the petting zoo because...." you know how many germs are in there?" So funny to me.....I grew up running barefoot through the horse pastures.......yes, I know, how unsanitary! But i was never afraid of getting dirty......and my kids when they were done washed their hands and used handsanitizer! I never would have done that as a is amazing I never ended up with
some strange disease!