Another year of growing has come to an end. For the end of it, I am thankful. For the lessons learned, I am grateful. I look forward to another year of surprises and blessings. I have come to love a new quote, the author is unknown to me, but a wise and understanding individual. “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections.” Isn’t that so true? I mean so many times have I looked at others seemingly perfect lives and wished for what they had……not knowing what struggles they deal with on a day to day basis. I realize that we are all dealt a hand that fits us perfectly and it is how we deal that strengthens us and we are able to learn. So to see our happiness built on whether or not our situations are perfect is an unrealistic expectation…..people and life are not perfect, but it might be perfect for us. We become stronger by the obstacles we overcome…..some have bigger obstacles than others….does it make those lives less perfect? NO….and again….no one has a perfect life….but everyone has the perfect life for them…..and to be able to see and to accept that is a blessing all on its own……Hopefully in 2009 we will all see beyond our imperfections and be happy!

Things that I had yet to blog about……a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with my family. I was lucky to have my Grandfather there another year. I was lucky to have both my parents there…..though health wise they haven’t had the best year they were both there and happy…….I was able to see my big brother and his wonderful family who drove from Minnesota to visit us all. I was thankful for every family member who played a special and loving part of my family’s life through out the past year. I am so thankful for my children how each of them have grown through out the past year…….they are all strong and wonderful individuals who are such an asset to the world….

In December my Tab celebrated her 13th birthday. I can’t believe that we now have two teen girls living in the house. She celebrated with us by eating Spaghetti and giant meatballs……and a huge glob of no bake cookies rather than a cake……we even stuck candles in the gloppy mess. It was wonderful because it is what she wanted and I am tired of conforming to what is suppose to be normal……ie, cake.
Our oldest went to a convention with the BYDC called trapped sober. She learned about the consequences of drinking and using drugs. She has been such a role model to her younger siblings…..I am so proud. She knows how to make great choices and isn’t afraid to say something to anyone if somehow their choices affect her. She isn’t afraid to be herself, even if it means that she isn’t accepted by everyone. But the funny thing I think she is learning is that more people have accepted her and looked up to her for standing up for what is right.

We went to the first cheer competition of the season. Both the older girls and my youngest daughters teams took second. It is always wonderful watching them perform. My oldest got over her phobia of tumbling and is flipping along with the rest of them. I still hold my breath when the two younger girls get thrown in the air…..I look forward to the next competitions and the half time for the Utah Jazz. My little man looks forward to seeing the basketball game. J
We finally had a real snow storm…..ten inches in one storm! Just like the ones I remember from when I was little. Of course it is on the verge of melting already….but it happened. I was so excited!
We had a wonderful Christmas! We had Christmas dinner at my home….and again it was nice to have my parents and grandpa join us here at our house. It was super and the roads stayed open for them to travel to and from somewhat safe…….scary drive but safe!
So a there you have it….a quick rewind of the last bit of the year! (And keep your fingers crossed…..hopefully will be a little closer to joining the shelves at the book stores soon!)
I hope everyone has had the blessings of new and old friends this year……and the joy of family that you love being around you! I wish everyone well in 2009.…….and though each moment of the entire year might not have been perfect I hope that you all can see past the imperfections and relish in the blessings however small they might be! I love you all!