Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Time
I was going to write something Cutesy and poetic about this time of year, but couldn't quite find the words. Something like.....
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... there was no fire just the cool conditioned air....
With a cast on one foot and a few temperatures high....
BUT see I couldn't come up with any pithy lines.... :) Texas is beautiful but I am uncertain how it will be this year having the temps in the 80's. It will be normal considering the sick kids. What would Christmas be like without someone sick? I suppose a fever and soar throat is better than the year the kids had the stomach flu.... Laying on the bathroom floor all Christmas day was just pathetic!
So a quick "Review of the Year"
The kids are all great!
Angelo is in the 5th grade and making lots of good friends!!! Boys and Girls that fit in well with our families warped sense of humor, slowly but surely gaining their own nicknames. This making their welcome official. He is doing amazing in sports and in school with his grades. He has gained sarcasm into his life and uses it well! Props go out to him.... he is learning well! He still hasn't managed to ignore his sisters torments but that to shall come. He is hobbling around on crutches due to the broken ankle and is now going by the name Tiny Tim.
Natalie is cheering up a storm... Not a snow storm but she is very enthusiastic! She has made some great friends... But there is not now and never will be a replacement for our Wonderful Emily whom we had to leave in Idaho.... (Hope she will return this year as she has every year since we left Idaho) Natalie is doing amazing in school, even with her one detention! We do not hold this against her and actually feel it has humbled her a little! ;) She is a wonderful cheerleader and though we miss competition cheer this is holding us all with our cheer with drawls.
Tabitha is surviving High School, barely but still managing. It is amazing the days I think I would do it all over again.... and then I see what my own kids are surviving and I remember why I really hated school! However, she is becoming a bigger person because of the smaller minds she deals with on a regular basis. She is excelling in school and thriving in art. She was given 90 days probation and a dollar fine for her adventure with the neighbor, but we feel she will not murder anyone in that time, therefore, are not too concerned.
Samantha is still wishing we had let her finish High School in Idaho. She would rather be a Grizzly than an Eagle. She has mad a few acquaintances but no great friends.... We keep those in Idaho and California and hope to have them visit us soon. She has however, acquired a wonderful Boyfriend whom all of us adore.... we even hall him along on family outings. She has been amazing in her art and is coming up with quite the portfolio. She won her first art contest this year which I am certain will not be her last. Though she graduates in June, we hope that she will continue to live at home, and if we had a basement, would be happy to let her live there as long as she wanted. She is not happy to be working all the time, but enjoys spending her money, and is the newest member of the Khol's work force. Shoe dept if you were wondering and regularly goes out with the older women on their smoke breaks to talk.... we find this funny... but it gives her something to do on her own breaks.... not smoke but to talk.
Life is good and I wouldn't have it anyother way!
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Crazy Life.....
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This Photo was actually taken June 2010 LOL Tabs camera is off! |
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Sami with her work that won! |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I had started to think I would be a hack though..... I have done wonderful on all of my assignments, but when it came to tests... I second guess myself to death, I change things til they are definitely wrong, I panic!!!! So needless to say my tests have been less than stellar..... Thank God I can write a paper!!! BUT Today....why I am tooting my own horn... I took a deep breath..... I didn't second guess my choices.... And I ended up with a PERFECT SCORE!!!! So if I can remember this technique for next week, i might be onto something!
I want SNOW!!!!
I have found myself, once again, in the lack of holiday spirit. I love life, love, love, love reasons to be surprised entertained....whatever, BUT for some reason I don't get too excited about Christmas. I adore it for the sake of the kids but since high school, it isn't so fabulous for me. Perhaps, if it was a feeling that lasted longer.... rather than the stress of getting everything done before it was over and then *BAM*.... I know.... there is a reason for the season... Which is not Santa and presents.... But realistically kids get excited for the materialistic aspects of this day..... and it doesn't matter how they are raised or taught, it is just a side effect of our society.
Anyway..... I have been trying to become the happy little elf, full of Christmas Cheer and good tidings... Then I hear that Idaho has been blanketed with a beautiful wonderland of white.... Fabulous for them, BUT why in the world didn't it do that when I lived there? I want snow.... I want to jump up and down...throw a fit.... and demand it!!! Childish? right as a girl to want it and want it now. I understand that when i lived there I complained about the cold.... Not the cold in general, but the cold minus the snow. For heavens sake if it is going to be cold surround me in the freezing beauty of ice.... Blanket me in snow.... Make it worth while.... That is what I disliked. So it makes me sigh to hear when the ones I love complain about the beauty that was given them... I want to trade places. I want to be snowed in. I want to drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and wear big fuzzy socks. I want to freeze my butt off..... I want to go caroling in sub zero temps, I want to rush from the car to the store and hope my nose doesn't fall off..... Is this asking for much?
Dear Santa..... Bring me snow and cold to Texas.... i promise I will be better next year! ;)
Off to listen to horrible renditions of fabulous Christmas songs.... And decorate! Good Luck finding your own holiday cheer!
Friday, October 15, 2010
If you can't say something nice
This was an after thought to my wonderfully lady like neighbors actions..... I was raised this way.... And I try to raise my children this way,...... And though my children remain better at putting this classic wisdom into their lives than I am....It is still the best choice of actions....
Another bit of wonderfully classic advice comes from those Zany Madagascar Penguins..... "Smile and wave boys.....Just smile and wave."
Its a classic problem that most of us....ok me.... suffer from! Open mouth, Say unkind words, insert foot, and walk away embarrassed..... Skip that entire scenerio and just smile and think to yourself what an idiote jerk the person is..... Right? I can try..... hahahaha Or I can get tackled and well..... you know the story! :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Fifth Grade Field Trip....Clark Gardens
Anymore, it feels as though each day is over before it has begun....
I have been blessed through out the children's school careers (hehe I said school careers...) to beable to be involved and participate in activities. Granted since moving to Texas I haven't been as involved as I was in Idaho.... But in a way I am... Just in a different sense. I mean I am t the schools A LOT subbing.... And all the kids know me.... So that is pretty involved! I love it.
So anyhow, yesterday my involvement included a field trip to The Clark Gardens with the Brock Fifth Grade students....BUT most importantly my favorite little man! Though this wouldn't have been my first choice of field trips to take children on.... It's a large garden.... The middle school went to the State Fair....and I believe its the 3rd graders went to some Nascar thing (Welcome to the South). But I have to admitt under the right cirrcumstances and a fun attitude it was a good time. I was lucky enough to only have one other boy in our group! He was a well behaved young man, just like my kiddo. I was, however, happy to hear that more of Angelo's friends wanted in our group BUT the Sub wouldn't let them be. Anyway.....It was such a good time!!! After the Gradens it was off to the park for a picnic and then early release for my little man! It was a fun Mommy day out with her little guy!
Gotta love those fleeting moments.....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Beauty of being Level Headed and Sensible...
So in today's world how are we able to teach and encourage our children to be kind hearted, level headed, strong individuals who demand respect, and kindness in turn? How can we encourage them not to let people walk all over them, or say things to them that obviously cut, in a passive way that does not result in them allowing others to treat them like garbage? WOW, does that task even seem possible?
This weekend I was put in a lose lose situation... You ask...How can one be put in this sort of situation, and still want to participate? This is easy...I was unaware of the Murphy's law that was attached to the entire event... AND I was a Mama protecting her 'Cubs'.
I think I had shared an event where my son had dealt with a neighborhood bully a few months back. Apparently, this bully has parents who think discipline is optional. My beautiful 11 year old son was having a birthday party over the weekend. It was exciting because when sports are in full swing the boys don't have a lot of time to just hang out and have fun....SO...needless to say...we do not have friends over very often for him to do 'boy things' with. Anyway, the boys were outside, with my younger daughter, and the neighbor girl when the neighborhood bully and his friends started bugging them. I had everyone of the kids staying at my home come in and tell me that their were problems with these other boys. I told them to ignore them and to stay away.... Easier said than done when the bullies are following them and hanging on the street by our house calling them cuss words.
So one thing lead to another, and apparently the situation outside had escalated into needing an intervention. Tabitha and her friend Kayla went out to ask the boys that are their age to stop bullying the kids so that parents didn't have to get involved. Apparently, these bullies decided they would be in less trouble if they were the ones tattling... Seriously. So one of them ran right in to get the original bully's mother. She came out and proceeded in cussing at all of the children outside. Now, I will be the first to say, I am not perfect, my children aren't perfect, my children will do naughty things, BUT they weren't doing anything wrong this night. They were trying to have a birthday party...night games....minus the bullying. All of the little boys, and the neighbor girl were terrified over this woman...thinking that they had done something wrong. After all she is an adult, she was yelling, cussing and telling them all to stay right there. She was wrong...if she believed there was a problem she should have come to me. My youngest daughter and one of my sons friends were terrified and despite her yelling ran into the house to get me.
Now, I thought I was going into a situation with someone with two sense.... I had on no shoes and my Jammie's.... completely unprepared for what was about to happen. Before I walked out the door, my Natalie said to me..."Mom....stay calm and don't cuss at her. It will embarrass Angelo." It's true.... my daughter knows her Mommy oh too well! I have a mouth like a sailor and when my children are involved I become aggressively boisterous..... Again, not something I am proud of....BUT I walked out to the front yard, head held high, fully determined to keep remain sensible and level headed. Which I did an amazingly perfect job Hell's, damns, or anything colorful....Until she punched me. I had gone out there and asked her if she could refrain from cussing at the young children. I asked her if she could keep her son under control and away from the boys and girls that are a good 4-5 years younger than him.... I asked her to have him stop referring to them as Mother F*****Er's.... Which set off this already unstable woman. She proceeded in telling me that her son never cusses... Snotty I said She had better keep a better eye on him... it was wrong I know I should have remained completely unchildish. I just couldn't help it with her ranting and flailing in my yard. She then turned and made the most ignorant remark she could possibly make....and got into my 14 year olds face, who then asked if she had indeed said what she had obviously said. The woman was almost nose to nose with her and replied "I said it." Tabitha....hit her in the mouth. I was in shock! Everyone was in shock...I had no idea what to do and how to handle the situation from that moment. I yelled, "Don't you hit my daughter." The woman looked at me and punched Tabi in the mouth. I ran to get in the middle so she couldn't hurt my baby anymore than she had.....Keep in mind I was trying to stay calm and the mature one in the whole matter.... The woman proceeded in punching me in the face. It all happened so quickly. She hit me a few times and latched on to my hair. She pulled a couple of handfuls of hair from my head and kicked and tackled me to the ground. She is a much larger lady than I am and I couldn't do much else than struggle beneath her weight...which makes me feel pretty silly too. Trying to get her to let go of my hair I grabbed her forearm and squeezed it with my nails.....she pulled harder. I grabbed the front of her shirt thinking if I tear it she won't want to be half naked in front of all the kids....YES...the kids were still watching all of this nightmare..... Thank goodness a few of the kids ran off to find Tony, who did pull her off of me. Thank goodness.... And he did call the Police! Again, thank goodness!
In the end....Tabitha got a ticket. Which I can see...she shouldn't have hit the woman. After the comment she made...I was glad that she had. The best reason for a ticket if you ask me. The woman obviously received her own disorderly conduct citation....BUT I did as well.....I was attacked in my own front yard while trying to protect my children from an unstable lady...I was given a citation because I left finger nail marks on her arm in self defense.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Little Man!
Happy Birthday little man!!! I love you tons and the moon and back! And then on forever!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
BUT..... What happens when you move? You have children ready to graduate.... and other kids spread evenly through out the different grades...... You have to change....You have to become attached to another school... You have to encourage new loyalties..... SO NOW......

We are Brock Eagles............ Go Blue and Gold!!! Angelo is getting involved in sports, Natalie is a cheerleader, and Tab's is even a member of the Blue Crew at the High School...... Sami as a senior.... Well.... I am not pressing my luck!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lenka- Don't let me fall w/Lyrics
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fly Me Away - Annie LIttle (Lyrics In Description )
Another Summer Gone.....
My children doing what they love.... Photo's in random stores, doing random things! I love it!!! I especially loved Sami and Tabi in Wal Mart with the Halloween Hoodies on that zip over your face and look like skeletons or half eaton werewolves.....running around making monster sounds.... Classic!!! ;)
Okay the date on the photo isn't right..... This photo was actually the beginning of June 2010 and we are going on the Tram in El Paso.... It was a fabulous trip with me and the kids! We went on the tram and at the top you can actually see into Mexico.... not that its hard considering Mexico is right there.... But the entire city of El Paso and all the surroundings and the mountains were so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
The kids and I also drove to Arizona the end of June to visite Grandma and Grandpa. This was a fun trip and also memorable. El Paso is essentially half way and we had done that before..... so it wasw kind of a building point for our 16 hour drive! This photo we are at the Casa Grande Ruins...also beautiful and extremely warm! Minus the humidity of Texas.....
I start to think my children are never serious! LOL Of course why would I want them to be?
Angelo, Nati, and Tab's at the ghost town..... Sami was in San Fransisco.
Miss Natalie and I in another Ghost town as Angelo was rock climbing!
Natalie Jane the first day of 7th Grade!!! Just turned 12 and gorgeous as ever and so grown up!
Tabitha Jai.....The ever beautiful Freshman starting her first year at the high school!
Angelo....My handsome little man beginning his first day of his last year in Elementary school!
Last but not least Samantha Jae..... My Beautiful Senior! The first day of her last year before she heads off to college! WOW.....where does the time go?
Sami with her best friend Carley in San Fransisco!!! Angelo in his new car! :) At the ghost town in Arizona!
Tabi, Nat, and Emily when Emily was visiting us!!! We miss that girl!!!
Tabi, Sami, and Cody at the Drive-in in Granbury!!! That was a good time even in the rain!!!
Night of the living dead!
Tab's enjoying Gram and Gramps Pool in AZ!!!
The girls enjoying the racks at good will, playing America's Next Top Model!
Miss Nat Jane Birthday Girl!!!! 12 years old!!!! :)
Nati and our other daughter Emily!
Glamorous Girls at the Dr Pepper Plant in Dublin!
Angelo and Emily at the Bottling Plant! Cute aren't they?
The Worlds Largest Rocking Chair! So says the Genius Books!
Tab's Photography skills! Sisters!!! Get one!
The FIZZ FACE thank you San Fransisco!
The Golf Cart Died.......... Tabi pushed it all the way home!! Emily worked hard too!
Natalie's Cheer team leaving for cheer camp at the Great wolf lodge................
Nat's team at cheer camp!
The Carousel in the Grapevine Mills Mall!
Nat and Tab school shopping!
Angelo Rock climbing!
Nat, Bo, and Grandma Rock hunting!!! Dangerous buggers!
Of course.....
My caged birds singing!!!
Grandpa and the kids...minus sam!
Grandma, me and the kids minus sami!
The pool!
Nat and Bo enjoying it!