Tis' The season.... To run around frantically hoping to get all the last minute things done..... Cooking and Cleaning.... Laundry and decorating..... Wrapping and shopping.... Chauffeuring and phone calls.... It seems as though the list never ends.... And then you add to it again! And this is the moment that once again we should say.... "THANK YOU FOR THIS CRAZY LIFE."
I was going to write something Cutesy and poetic about this time of year, but couldn't quite find the words. Something like.....
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... there was no fire just the cool conditioned air....
With a cast on one foot and a few temperatures high....
BUT see I couldn't come up with any pithy lines.... :) Texas is beautiful but I am uncertain how it will be this year having the temps in the 80's. It will be normal considering the sick kids. What would Christmas be like without someone sick? I suppose a fever and soar throat is better than the year the kids had the stomach flu.... Laying on the bathroom floor all Christmas day was just pathetic!
So a quick "Review of the Year"
The kids are all great!
Angelo is in the 5th grade and making lots of good friends!!! Boys and Girls that fit in well with our families warped sense of humor, slowly but surely gaining their own nicknames. This making their welcome official. He is doing amazing in sports and in school with his grades. He has gained sarcasm into his life and uses it well! Props go out to him.... he is learning well! He still hasn't managed to ignore his sisters torments but that to shall come. He is hobbling around on crutches due to the broken ankle and is now going by the name Tiny Tim.
Natalie is cheering up a storm... Not a snow storm but she is very enthusiastic! She has made some great friends... But there is not now and never will be a replacement for our Wonderful Emily whom we had to leave in Idaho.... (Hope she will return this year as she has every year since we left Idaho) Natalie is doing amazing in school, even with her one detention! We do not hold this against her and actually feel it has humbled her a little! ;) She is a wonderful cheerleader and though we miss competition cheer this is holding us all with our cheer with drawls.
Tabitha is surviving High School, barely but still managing. It is amazing the days I think I would do it all over again.... and then I see what my own kids are surviving and I remember why I really hated school! However, she is becoming a bigger person because of the smaller minds she deals with on a regular basis. She is excelling in school and thriving in art. She was given 90 days probation and a dollar fine for her adventure with the neighbor, but we feel she will not murder anyone in that time, therefore, are not too concerned.
Samantha is still wishing we had let her finish High School in Idaho. She would rather be a Grizzly than an Eagle. She has mad a few acquaintances but no great friends.... We keep those in Idaho and California and hope to have them visit us soon. She has however, acquired a wonderful Boyfriend whom all of us adore.... we even hall him along on family outings. She has been amazing in her art and is coming up with quite the portfolio. She won her first art contest this year which I am certain will not be her last. Though she graduates in June, we hope that she will continue to live at home, and if we had a basement, would be happy to let her live there as long as she wanted. She is not happy to be working all the time, but enjoys spending her money, and is the newest member of the Khol's work force. Shoe dept if you were wondering and regularly goes out with the older women on their smoke breaks to talk.... we find this funny... but it gives her something to do on her own breaks.... not smoke but to talk.
Life is good and I wouldn't have it anyother way!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
My Crazy Life.....
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This Photo was actually taken June 2010 LOL Tabs camera is off! |
My little man broke his ankle about a week ago. I was assured it was an accident with no horsing around invovled.... As if I was an idiot.... Boys will be boys, however, in my home I wish they would be more like girls that were less accident prone. Mommy hates to worry and in a way it is a little unfair to do to me.... The one thing every mommy should be comfortable with is knowing that her little man is safe, unharmed, and happy..... She should know this about her girls too.... ;) I can't get him into the orthopedic until friday... 2weeks after the orignial accident. He has been immobile laying on my couch sad and in pain. Wish I could wiggle my nose and fix it all..... but I suppose if I could wiggle my nose and fix it.... I suppose i could jump on my broom stick and get a lot accomplished as well......
Me and my Tabalouie had our day in court..... AND I must say my faith in our justice system has been fully restored! Bravo America! I was extremely nervous, even knowing the truth and that it should go our way.... I never assume, assumptions get you into trouble. Tabitha went first, juvenile court.... LOL Delinquent. The judge immediately said, "This angel face.... I can't hardly believe any of this is true. Tell me what happened." She didn't even give Tab's a chance to plead.... Funny right? So Tabi tells her..... and at one point the judge says, "What did the lady say? But just say the first letter.Don't swear." Tabi said, "Oh don't worry I never swear." hahahaha The innocence of kids. She doesn't though. I love it. The judge gave her 90 days probation and as long as she doesn't get into a knife fight in that time it will be permanently off her record. She was given $1 fine and court cost of $68. Not bad.... I was so relieved.... Except for the fact that I was supposed to go back that afternoon.
Fast forward to the afternoon..... I was first on the schedule.... The judge was just going to give me the same fine she gave my neighbor.... My neighbor showed up in all her lady like glory.... and then said she was scared to be in the same court room as me.... Not that she had made a big to do with her husband and lied about what happened..... She is 6 inches taller than me and 50 lbs heavier according to the police report.... haha. Anyhow.... I had said that the fine of $300 and $75 probation and $67 court fees was fine as long as I could tell this sweet judge what happened..... She agreed.... commented on the fact that I looked scared to death.... i must appear much more fragile than I think I do.... Between her and the prosicuting attorney.... after I finished telling them my version..... the dropped all charges and let me go.... :) I was so happy.... It is a good thing that I am a pathetic baby who had my butt kicked in my own yard protecting my children....![]() |
Sami with her work that won! |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I started school again in October of this year. I was a little scared at first. I don't like the unknown....Don't like to go into most events blind folded.... ;) I like to know what to expect. It can be easier that way. Don't get me wrong a surprise here and there is fabulous, if its a good surprise. Anyhow, I am going to school to be a teacher. I had always thought I would do something different, and I don't mean the going to beauty school different, (not that there was anything wrong with it. It just wasn't me.) I mean like I would be a journalist or something like that. Except the fact that I always said I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. I just never thought I would do it, if that makes sense? It seems that a lot of people never end up doing the one thing they always wanted to do, for one reason or another. Little kids are so amazing! They believe that the world is a good place, they believe simple fixes most, and they believe in dang near everything....WHY? Because they see the beauty in life! I love it!!! I am so looking forward to being an encouraging force in the lives of little kids.... Sounds Cheesy! ;)
I had started to think I would be a hack though..... I have done wonderful on all of my assignments, but when it came to tests... I second guess myself to death, I change things til they are definitely wrong, I panic!!!! So needless to say my tests have been less than stellar..... Thank God I can write a paper!!! BUT Today....why I am tooting my own horn... I took a deep breath..... I didn't second guess my choices.... And I ended up with a PERFECT SCORE!!!! So if I can remember this technique for next week, i might be onto something!
I had started to think I would be a hack though..... I have done wonderful on all of my assignments, but when it came to tests... I second guess myself to death, I change things til they are definitely wrong, I panic!!!! So needless to say my tests have been less than stellar..... Thank God I can write a paper!!! BUT Today....why I am tooting my own horn... I took a deep breath..... I didn't second guess my choices.... And I ended up with a PERFECT SCORE!!!! So if I can remember this technique for next week, i might be onto something!
I want SNOW!!!!
Another beautiful holiday season is upon us and in full swing. It is crazy to me how quickly this time of year ascends upon our lives..... and then before you know it, it's over with. Almost like a hit and run. Probably not the ideal way to refer to this beloved time of year, but it works.
I have found myself, once again, in the lack of holiday spirit. I love life, love, love, love reasons to be surprised entertained....whatever, BUT for some reason I don't get too excited about Christmas. I adore it for the sake of the kids but since high school, it isn't so fabulous for me. Perhaps, if it was a feeling that lasted longer.... rather than the stress of getting everything done before it was over and then *BAM*.... I know.... there is a reason for the season... Which is not Santa and presents.... But realistically kids get excited for the materialistic aspects of this day..... and it doesn't matter how they are raised or taught, it is just a side effect of our society.
Anyway..... I have been trying to become the happy little elf, full of Christmas Cheer and good tidings... Then I hear that Idaho has been blanketed with a beautiful wonderland of white.... Fabulous for them, BUT why in the world didn't it do that when I lived there? I want snow.... I want to jump up and down...throw a fit.... and demand it!!! Childish? Nah...my right as a girl to want it and want it now. I understand that when i lived there I complained about the cold.... Not the cold in general, but the cold minus the snow. For heavens sake if it is going to be cold surround me in the freezing beauty of ice.... Blanket me in snow.... Make it worth while.... That is what I disliked. So it makes me sigh to hear when the ones I love complain about the beauty that was given them... I want to trade places. I want to be snowed in. I want to drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and wear big fuzzy socks. I want to freeze my butt off..... I want to go caroling in sub zero temps, I want to rush from the car to the store and hope my nose doesn't fall off..... Is this asking for much?
Dear Santa..... Bring me snow and cold to Texas.... i promise I will be better next year! ;)
Off to listen to horrible renditions of fabulous Christmas songs.... And decorate! Good Luck finding your own holiday cheer!
I have found myself, once again, in the lack of holiday spirit. I love life, love, love, love reasons to be surprised entertained....whatever, BUT for some reason I don't get too excited about Christmas. I adore it for the sake of the kids but since high school, it isn't so fabulous for me. Perhaps, if it was a feeling that lasted longer.... rather than the stress of getting everything done before it was over and then *BAM*.... I know.... there is a reason for the season... Which is not Santa and presents.... But realistically kids get excited for the materialistic aspects of this day..... and it doesn't matter how they are raised or taught, it is just a side effect of our society.
Anyway..... I have been trying to become the happy little elf, full of Christmas Cheer and good tidings... Then I hear that Idaho has been blanketed with a beautiful wonderland of white.... Fabulous for them, BUT why in the world didn't it do that when I lived there? I want snow.... I want to jump up and down...throw a fit.... and demand it!!! Childish? Nah...my right as a girl to want it and want it now. I understand that when i lived there I complained about the cold.... Not the cold in general, but the cold minus the snow. For heavens sake if it is going to be cold surround me in the freezing beauty of ice.... Blanket me in snow.... Make it worth while.... That is what I disliked. So it makes me sigh to hear when the ones I love complain about the beauty that was given them... I want to trade places. I want to be snowed in. I want to drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and wear big fuzzy socks. I want to freeze my butt off..... I want to go caroling in sub zero temps, I want to rush from the car to the store and hope my nose doesn't fall off..... Is this asking for much?
Dear Santa..... Bring me snow and cold to Texas.... i promise I will be better next year! ;)
Off to listen to horrible renditions of fabulous Christmas songs.... And decorate! Good Luck finding your own holiday cheer!
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