So I have had this idea for ever....just never had sat down and put it on paper....or should I say screen?
Anyhow, my manuscript is a story about a young girl who sets out on an amazing adventure by herself. Abandoned...or so she thinks...by her father when she was little and then recently, and mysteriously, abandoned by her mom she sets out to find her grandma whom she thought was dead...but turns out she isn't. She is living in the old family home on a small island off the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. She discovers a gift that was bestowed upon her at birth, one that has been handed down through the centuries by her ancestors....though she secretly wonders if it wasn't a gift...rather a curse. She meets this gorgeous young man who is there to protect her. This young man's family had been bound to hers through time as their protectors. She also finds out that there is another family that has followed hers through out time in order to take control of the gift that she is responsible for.
SO let me know if anyone reads this and wants to know more. I write BIG well.....little not so well. My agent and I are working on that. :-)
I can't wait to read any and all of your stuff. I'm very impressed.
Thanks so much! I think the story rocks! But then there are those days that you just wonder....and I am in that just wondering about number 2 thinking maybe it just sucks....and is way out there. Ya know?
I use the free blog stuff from thecutestblogontheblock.com thier page paper is really fun. It tells you how to do it too. I didn't even need Jo to do it for me.
JJ, I love that you have a blog!! It's so fun to stay up on what's happening and see the cute pictures of you and your family :)
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