Silly….I was thinking. (Which could also be frightening.) But what is a thought? Obviously….it is thinking…which is also reflection on an idea…..consideration…….contemplation……which leads to rationalization…..calculation…..introspection…….. “Dreams till their effects be tried.” ~Shakespeare Another quote I appreciate….. “Feelings gone to seed.” ~ Jack Burroughs.
Intellect…..imagination…..assumption…….so day dreaming about an assumption can the out come be trusted. We all come up with the answers to the questions we contemplate in our minds and not knowing if our conclusions are true or not…..we assume that they are. Is that our imagination running a muck?
It is human nature to over think an idea…..without investigating the answers first. I mean we think we know the end answer before it is proven and a lot of the time don’t go forward to find that end result to be true or not. It that a cowardice in that human nature? Or “To know what is right and not do it?” ~Confucius Is that it? We know the right answer and yet hide from it because it is right? Because we don’t want to know the answer? Because trusting ourselves is too intimidating?
You can’t tell me that the average person spends so much time dreaming………wanting ……..desiring………idea’s…………and never truly want the answer? They don’t just want to sit back and wonder? Wait? Contemplate? Too scared to know? Scared not to know? What a circle the idea of an idea is?
Or is it that in the human nature it is more normal to dream……..to aspire for something unattainable……and never actually….truly…..want it in the end. Is the idea of wanting to figure something out greater than the idea of actually obtaining the truths. Is that what makes the idea of something so fascinating? Is it better to idolize something…..the idea of something……..? Is the air of fascination gone once a thought is no longer a thought? Is that what grows old?
I wonder………..I wonder if a never ending circle of questions has a logical answer? I wonder if a daydream is something that you always want to remain a dream………..if the truth behind it is nothing more than over rated reality?
What do you think? Think I need to stop thinking so much? Except that I have been writing on my third book now until I have almost over thought everything…….and yet nothing……….
What was the question???
I don't think there are ever answers. I"m feeing very confused...with my life not your blog. Hey I really hope we get to see each other soon....I'm working too much and you seem to work the same hours as you know who....Luv YA!
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