So my little stud monkey is going to be his Majors team left handed Pitcher.......he is 10. ;0) He throws consistantly straight and accurate at about 55 miles and hour. He has been practicing at 1st base and is an all around stud. His coaches got him after a draft battle.....and are now in love with him. They have informed me that if I have plans in moving before his stretch of little league is up they are taking over guardianship and raising him. LOL As if I would let them have him.....they are also the football coaches in Brock and are already talking QB. Funny....when we asked them in the fall if it was too late to get him on the team....before games started.... and they wouldn't consider adding this potato state boy on the team..... They are wishing they had!
Long Horn Basketball court.....photo courtesy of Nat....picture taken from her seat at the state game! Go Brock! I need to add a photo of her all dolled up in blue and gold! She has taken on school spirit in this new place.....Glad someone has! ;-)
Me, Sami, and Tabs being our normal idiote selves in Wal Mart....good thing we can't embarrass eachother.....we are all too busy being dorks!
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