-Loretta Young
I couldn't believe how quickly the Prom was upon us....and considering Samantha hates going to dances, we were all suprised that when her boyfriend informed her that they were going....she didn't throw a fit!
The Prom for Brock HS was held in the Fort Worth Hilton....which is a very exclusive hotel....well...as far as hotels go. The day was Prom event filled at our home.....
Samantha started the day by getting up quite early.....she was actually up at 10:00 am to get her nails done. That was my job.... it is amazing how close sisters become when it comes to making one another beautiful....Tabitha was proudly incharge of hair and photos at our home.... Unfortunatly, our normally beautiful Texas weather had turned into a torential down pour and it rained ALL day and flooded.... of course!
Well...after Tabitha was finished with the beautiful princess hair....Sami made her finishing touches....and Cody Arrived.... Such a cute couple.... Both quiet....both polite....though Sami isn't serious.... and so far Cody seems to be quite serious.....personality wise... He does put up with her though....except won't go so far as to act like a dog for her....However....on her birthday he did play a catalog game with her.... "On this page what would I buy?" Yes he played along in good spirits. Back to the prom.....
From our house Sami and Cody went out to Sugar Tree....Fancy Golf Course Sub division huge houses... Well...Monstorous Mansions.... one of the girls in the large group of Prom goers had their gardens done for photos.....unfortunatly it rained.... I guess they had planted so many flowers around their pool and it was fairy tale like for the professional photographer to take fun pictures of them all..... Then from there the group went to the botanical gardens for more photos.....The Hummer Limo picked the group up from their and took them to dinner....
The kids went to the Macaroni Grill which was funny to Cody who didn't think it would be fancy enough with the name Macaroni....LOL. Once there he kept telling Sami to give him her Italian Expertise on ordering.....he went with a pizza. LOL Sami said that it was so wonderful being at the restaraunt all dressed up.....she loved the OOOO's and Awwwwww's.... BUT her favorite was this little girl who obviously wanted to dress up to go to dinner with her family......even adorned with a tiara..... So the little girl was staring at Sami out of the rest of the girls....watching her....pretending she had on a big fluffy dress..... Sami walked over to her.....leaned down and said...."I love your crown....you look like a princess." Which of course made the little girls night. Sami said it was her favorite thing. I love that...... Such grace....such heart..... I am so proud of little things she does that she knows matters....only she does it not thinking anything self serving...she doesn't even realize how special it makes her....make sense?
Anyway....after dinner...the kids were taken via limo to the Hilton...They danced and had fun....Sami spent a bit of time dancing like a goof with Adam.... (Not her Boyfriend....but the cool autistic kid from her school....she is so wonderful to Adam.) She was dissappointed to have the night come to an end.....It seemed so short to me as well.... the prom itself lasted from 7-11....You would so have to know the Principal.... :) The were driven home....Sami and Cody watched an episode of the Office....and then she was home and in bed by 1.....didn't even turn into a pumpkin..... Where is the time going??? We are looking at Universities..... She has been made a National High School Scholar....and she is 17....of course she can't drive so thumbs up to me.... :)
What an awesome night...and an equally aawesome girl. Such great memories she will have of that night. The whole day sounds fantastic. She is a beauty....inside and out!!
OMG that made me cry! I can see Sami talking to the little girl, being so sweet! Good kid. Beautiful night - grateful that she had fun! She is full of grace, full of heart, full of love!
The whole full of grace made me think of Miss Congeniality.... HAHAHA I love you two!
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