Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Sad Farewell to Fall!

Fall is my favorite time of year......and YES.....I know I am a month off with the whole Halloween thing!  But admitting that one of my favorite holidays has come to pass also makes me have to admitt that my favorite season is soon to be but a memory! It doesn't seem fair that fall is here for such a short amount of time.  The beginning of school......the excitement of the football season (watching my son play)........the changing of the leaves.....the sunny crisp afternoons with leaves feathering througn the air.....it isn't fair that it has to end.  I suppose if we could have a brilliant winter with feet of snow.....all at once not skiffs scattered randomly........it would make it worth while.  Soon though Thanksgiving will be over......everyone will be caught up in their spending sprees.....and then YES....even sooner than you think even Christmas will be done.  It's sad to me to think that time passes so quickly.......
Soon Cheer season will be in full swing!  And Yes.....since football is over my son will be forced to be surrounded by the angelic faces of cheerleaders of all ages!  To think one day this will be a good thing! :-) We have another busy year...not quite as busy as last....thank heavens.....but we start up full swing in December when we head to Utah.  Four competitions for my little ones team......and five for the older girls.....They get to go to the JAMZ Nationals in February!  We have a Jazz Team Half time.....and several local performances. It is always exciting watching them....not so exciting listening to them complain about how many times their routines get changed right before competition times.....Not so fun listening to them tell me how badly it hurt when they were thrown in the air only to be dropped on the pole floor by their bases.....or kicked in the face by their flyers.........oh the joys of cheer!
So now that you have read my ramblings of a whole lot of random issues, I will say.....I have been querying new agents.....don't ask!  I am excited and proud of what great kids I have.....and great examples they are to one another!  My oldest is going to be a part of the trapped sober conference.....I will tell you more about that later!  I am just proud of them all!  Good choices.....Great Kids!  Wish I could say I was half as good as they were growing up.......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Okay...this is Moose.  (Lori....this is who your little love reminds me of!)  We just got him a new "Baby".  He carries this little lamb around and whines at us......BUT he carries it everywhere! I guess not only that.....he sleeps with it!  He doesn't share either....the other puppies get near his baby and he gets mad!  It is so cute how innoscent he looks.....not that he isn't naughty the rest of the time! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A venting session...on the lighter side of life!

Twilight at the infamous drive in theater.  I know not everyone has a drive in and not everyone grew up going to them.....But I did.....and my kids have so far been lucky enough to know what a drive in even is.....and not a drive through restaraunt.....we do have a few drive in restaraunts though.  They just aren't as neat! Anyway one of our biggest summer plans every year does consist of going to the drive in movie on a HOT summer night.....eating the nasty consession stand food....which isn't so nasty.  The burgers are my favorite.  Well....this year much to my disgust....and due to a family fued....neither of our towns drive ins opened.  Funny how selfish people are. LOL  I mean seriously!  There are only about 20 something drive in's left in the entire USA and we have two in our town and they just choose to not open for an entire summer.....perhaps that summer will turn into never again and once more a tradition of America will be lost and most likely torn down....then what will my kids do?  The fancy new theaters just aren't the same! (The bathrooms are a lot nicer.....heck a gas station bathroom is a lot nicer....it's just the old fashioned fun of the entire event that I miss!  Summer just wasn't the same.....and won't be again until it is open!