Friday, August 29, 2008


So if I haven't mentioned it before....I LOVE football!  But besides just loving football....I love to watch my little man playing football!  A naturally talented athlete......he is good at everything he isn't even a challenge.  I am so proud of him!  Even having three older sisters hasn't slowed him down....or damaged him.  I mean he isn't a girly boy! Not that it's a bad thing.....I mean his sisters haven't de-boyed him.  I know that isn't a word!  I have to admit baseball is my favorite sport, it always has been, but when your son is the Quarterback of his is awesome to watch.  Don't get me wrong.....I love watching him be the left handed pitcher also!  My little guy is such a stud!
I need to clarify something.........I love watching all of my middle daughter played little league with the boys forever.....she was a pitcher also.....but a righty.  She also played tackle football and was a running back and a linebacker.  She was awesome and it was so cool watching the boys when they realized she was indeed a girl.  My son looks up to her so much because, well, she is tough as hell!  My other girls are just as awesome to watch in cheer......that is a dang tough sport.....actually now competitive cheer is the most between football and cheer.....lets see if we can come out with no injuries.........because in either sport I can't run out onto the field or the floor to baby any of them!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Week Of School and Football!!!

This is the look I recieved as I tried to take first day of school photos of my all too beautiful high school student.  Though I did let her know that I would take pictures of her and all of her friends together with their cars if she didn't cooperate.  She knows I'd do it!  i can't believe she is so old already....boy time flies!
This is my amazing junior high student....beautiful and still up for those first day photos!  Of course they are still all up for the hugs and kisses good bye at the school in front of all their friends......they are such sweethearts!
So now we move down to the elementary darlings!  Except that she doesn't look like she is a fifth grader......I can't believe she is that old.......just as beautiful as her older sisters!  And sassy to boot!
My handsome baby!  Poor little guy has three older sisters.  OUCH!  Good thing he is so tough....and a mama's boy!  Good combination!
I was sad sending them back to school!  I adore having the house bustling with the chaos of children.....the more the better....bring on the friends!  I am just glad that Jules and I aren't mixed up in the PTO.  I loved being the president and organizing, writing grants, and fundraising......but it was a nightmare at the same time.  Good thing I had Julie as the VP so that we could laugh through the meetings.  Remind me never to do that again!
So football started for my little man too......and cheer starts up full load next week.  What a hectic life!  Gotta love it all!

Monday, August 25, 2008


So I was reading this week end....after I built my beautiful new patio furniture.  Anyway....reading the latest book in this series I adore.....and was sick over the fact that book two in my series....written months ago.....has A LOT of the same ideas.......and not just little ideas it was frustrating needless to say.  Ho Hum........So there you have it!  Once my books have made it through the publishing process I will look as though I need to get my ideas from someone else.  BLAH............

So I had to add how much nicer it feels when you just say things that you truly feel like and need to say rather than keeping them to yourself.......not saying it.  I think it is better even if it isn't nice.....politically correct.....even if it hurts feelings.......I suppose if it is taken should have been.

My beautifil children started school today!  So now there is officially a high schooler, a Junior high student, and two elementary! I love being a mommy.  It's very rewarding above all else.  So I get to go pick them up from school in about 45 least the younger kids......I can't wait to hear all about it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa

So Sunday was my Grandfather's birthday!  He is the coolest old Irish guy you could ever be luck enough to meet.  Howard Fitzpatrick turned a wonderful 88 years old....though he claims no one should live past 85.  I think it is just because he misses the love of his life.....also one of the greatest individuals anyone would have been blessed to meet.  I am so thankful that my kids have been lucky enough to have my grandpa in their lives.....Great fun.  He has such wonderful stories to tell....and we all love to listen.  One of my favorite things he says....."Tell them who you are."  And though his name always has carried a lot of weight.....mine just has never been as impressive....though telling someone who my grandpa is has gotten me a long way.  From growing up a poor Irishman in the nowhere Idaho.....he created quite the legacy.  He proved an old principle wrong by making his name in banking legends.........He is such an amazing hero for so many different reasons in my life.......and he fills such a huge part of my heart!  I love this old guy!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Silly….I was thinking. (Which could also be frightening.) But what is a thought? Obviously….it is thinking…which is also reflection on an idea…..consideration…….contemplation……which leads to rationalization…..calculation…..introspection…….. “Dreams till their effects be tried.” ~Shakespeare Another quote I appreciate….. “Feelings gone to seed.” ~ Jack Burroughs.
Intellect…..imagination…..assumption…….so day dreaming about an assumption can the out come be trusted. We all come up with the answers to the questions we contemplate in our minds and not knowing if our conclusions are true or not…..we assume that they are. Is that our imagination running a muck?
It is human nature to over think an idea…..without investigating the answers first. I mean we think we know the end answer before it is proven and a lot of the time don’t go forward to find that end result to be true or not. It that a cowardice in that human nature? Or “To know what is right and not do it?” ~Confucius Is that it? We know the right answer and yet hide from it because it is right? Because we don’t want to know the answer? Because trusting ourselves is too intimidating?
You can’t tell me that the average person spends so much time dreaming………wanting ……..desiring………idea’s…………and never truly want the answer? They don’t just want to sit back and wonder? Wait? Contemplate? Too scared to know? Scared not to know? What a circle the idea of an idea is?
Or is it that in the human nature it is more normal to dream…… aspire for something unattainable……and never actually….truly…..want it in the end. Is the idea of wanting to figure something out greater than the idea of actually obtaining the truths. Is that what makes the idea of something so fascinating? Is it better to idolize something…..the idea of something……..? Is the air of fascination gone once a thought is no longer a thought? Is that what grows old?
I wonder………..I wonder if a never ending circle of questions has a logical answer? I wonder if a daydream is something that you always want to remain a dream………..if the truth behind it is nothing more than over rated reality?
What do you think? Think I need to stop thinking so much? Except that I have been writing on my third book now until I have almost over thought everything…….and yet nothing……….