Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow in Texas???

Come on already winter...... Snow in Texas? Don't get me wrong, I adore a wonderful winter wonderland....and if we had 20 feet of the powdery cold....I wouldn't complain. However, when we moved here.......I had been told of how warm it was......actually how hot it got......and how the winters were nice and mild....there was a week with some ick for weather......BUT this is ridiculous! We have had several weeks of this weird weather.......Xmas we got snow....that was a blessing for the kids sake and needing a white Christmas......then it FINALLY warmed up and we were in the mid 60's to 70's......Yesterday we received 3 1/2 inches of rain....I was thinking we were going to need a we have snow.......I suppose we are lucky that the tornadoes missed us....YES VERY LUCKY!!!!!!!!!! "Toetoe, I don't think we are in Idaho anymore......

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